Allowing myself to keep a kind-of blog on here. Will probably mostly use this to keep track of things like updates to the website.
Admittedly kind of excited. I've wanted to make my own website since I was old enough to use them - I don't know exactly why dad's plan of teaching me when I was 7-8 fell through, but I still remember the url he suggested, and the very first taste of coding. Maybe I didn't have the attention span to learn code yet and find it fun to use. Maybe I'd be living a very different life if I had.
I remember the old internet. Or, the internet 20 years ago and then some. I'm almost 30 now. The fact that it took me this long to build my first website from scratch feels strange. I remember the webrings, the affliate pixel art banners, the Neopets petpages. I remember regularly browsing websites that were all HTML, no CSS. White pages with black text, barely formatted at all.
I wish I'd learned earlier. I wish I'd started back when I was a kid and looked longingly at all the then-cool websites I was happy to spend my time browsing, all the personal sites that made me fall in love with the internet in the first place.
But at least I can get going now. That'll have to do.